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A Heart Warming Story

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mikey4444 | 16:24 Mon 11th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

I make no further comment other than Well done that Man !


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It's good to read a story like this.A really caring person to go to all that trouble to trace the owner,s family.
Question Author
This is just up the road from me and I couldn't be more pleased for the old chap. More stories like this one please !
\\\\He was a poet and an author and a local councillor."\\

Our Mr Harries didn't take care of his valued presentation, did he?

Found in a field?
Question Author
Anybody could lose something in a field Sqad ! I lost my virginity in a Somerset field and never found it again.
and the sheep was never the same again...
Sqad!!! Don't be grumpy.....maybe, on a wild and stormy night he heard a lost child crying in the field.
Struggling through the mud to rescue her he lost his watch when he fell....☺

Question Author
LOL to both of you !

I knew you would like that one Sqad, you old reprobate.
Question Author
"It was a dark and stormy night......"
gness.........never thought of that.....;-)
Lots of gold have been found in fields.

Yes, well done that man.
Wow....I had expected a grump about parents who lost children in fields... fields have a lot to answer way or another...☺
I think that is a lovely story, well done to him for returning the watch.
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Talking of losing old Dad always talked about his dear departed wife, and when people expressed sympathy with him being a widower, he replied " She didn't die, she just departed...with the Plumber"
Smashing story, nice ending. :-)
The link I mean, not your wayward Mother.
I echo the OP :-)
Was it anything to to with his ballcock, mikey.
Does the watch now have a second chance? boom, boom.....

Well done him; all we have here is old shot from the Royalist troops who camped in the fields beyond the church, before the last rugby scrum of the Civil War, the Battle of Tresillian.

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A Heart Warming Story

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