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Moving To Reading

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ilovebrie | 21:23 Mon 11th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
My daughter will shortly be moving to Reading to work. Can anyone recommend any areas within reach of Thames Valley Park for a young professional taking up her first job? We would like her to be safe, of course, but also to be able to socialise if she feels inclined.
Many thanks


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Crowthorne, rg4 ?
The only area I know around there is Binfield because I stayed with a friend there for 5 months when I was between properties. It`s about 8 miles from reading and there is a park and ride for Reading at Winersh which is not that far away. It was OK. My friend had a good social life there but she lived on a modern development and most of her friends were neighbours. I did find I missed the cheap local transport back at my own place (SW London) so nights out meant driving but that`s not the end of the world.
that's not far from the university area, which has some lovely places. Round by the hospital is also nice.

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