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normchurch | 15:34 Tue 12th Aug 2014 | Technology
10 Answers
I am an idiot with mobile phones. Don't really know how to use them. But I have an old Nokia that once worked okay and I'd like to make it do so again. Trouble is, having switched it on, the screen tells me "Phone restricted" and "undo". I have no idea where this came from or what to do about it. I have a Sainsburys SIM card installed. Can some samaritan help?


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It means its locked to a certain provider. If you google 'Nokia [insert model number] phone restriction code' you may find a free code to unlock it.
If it is an old handset and you have put in a SIM card from a different service provider, one wonders if it is worth the cost of getting it unlocked.
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problem ... it doesn't have a modelnumber. how do you get round that?
Could it be that the SIM card is now expired?
You can get these in tescos for a few quid:

Maybe it would be worth just picking up a new one which works with your sim?
My old Nokia had the model number under the battery. If you haven't already, it might be worth taking it out and having a look.
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it's almost new so it shouldn't have
Can you describe it?
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bingo seajaypea
get another sains sim card, it means the old sim card has run out of cash so restricted on my old mobe means 999 / 911 calls only till the new sim get in

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