Question asked by 13 year old son and I don't know the answer....If Scotland wins Independence will they have to produce a new Union flag (Union Jack) ?
You could well be right, L. What would The Bruce and Wallace make of today's Scots? Nanny's apron-strings are often a comfort. (By 'nanny' I mean the whole UK and not England.)
Mind you, we must take into account the fact that the voters are not just Scots as such, but all residents of Scotland who are on an electoral roll there. Thus thousands of English, Poles, Bulgarians Indians and Uncle Tom Cobley and all!
It's the same reason the UK won't vote to leave the EU if it should ever get the chance. As much as we resent them and as much as we know they couldn't care less about us, when it really comes to the crunch, we'll be too *** scared to change the status quo.