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smurf | 13:17 Sat 16th Aug 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers
35 fiddle with ring
36 jessica wallis with orange juice starters
37 early pillar box
66 crime figures-not good
58 smell nothing
54 the nobility lose the right to be called this
thanks for any help


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58. Boo? (betty, perhaps)
35. Bilko?
58 pongo
54 Aristocats
37 Penfold
66 sinbad
66 Sinbad
That was very interesting, emeritus.
36 the simpsons
36 O J Simpson?
re above answer jessica simpsom ..wallis simpson ..o j simpson
Can you explain please Mally. I get the OJ bit but how does Jessica Wallis fit in ?
emeritus we crossed there lol
Thanks Mally. It may well be me a bit slow ? But still don't get where Jessica fits in. It wasn't Wallis Simpsons name ?
jessica is an actress .they are all simpsons
Thanks Mally. The penny has finally dropped. Is it too early for a drink ?
never ,i'll join you x

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