News2 mins ago
15 Answers
Bought one of these today from Argos £24.99, it's a mobile wifi connection.
We will use it on holiday in two weeks time. Has anyone else bought one and what did you think of it?
We will use it on holiday in two weeks time. Has anyone else bought one and what did you think of it?
http://www.g url?sa=t& ;rct=j&q=&es rc=s&sou rce=web& cd=5&cad=rja &uact=8& ved=0CGEQFjA E&url=ht tp%3A%2F%2Fw ww.uswitch.c om%2Fbroadba nd%2Fguides% 2Fwhat_is_mi fi_mobile_br oadband%2F&e i=9NjzU9-2JK Gm0QWajoCQAQ &usg=AFQ jCNHGnmdNHBV g98JF-sYBATo ikawDNQ
23:11 Tue 19th Aug 2014
Would have thought, from the description, as if few would find a requirement for one. It seems you need a group of people all wanting to use the WiFi at the same time, wanting to run it from one person's mobile data connection. Fine if you need it, but I can't see me likely to be in that position.
Thinking about it I have been at work when someone set their mobile to generate a WiFi for the rest of us anyway, without the need for a "dongle" as far as I can recall.
Thinking about it I have been at work when someone set their mobile to generate a WiFi for the rest of us anyway, without the need for a "dongle" as far as I can recall.
We have one at our holiday home. Our provided is 3.
With ours, we don't log in and log out. It runs from a certain date, for a month. We could in effect use all the data allowance up within that time and be left with none till it starts again. The reality is we've never managed to use it all.
We run both our iPhones and both our iPads from it, and also download kindle books whenever the fancy takes us. Suits us.
With ours, we don't log in and log out. It runs from a certain date, for a month. We could in effect use all the data allowance up within that time and be left with none till it starts again. The reality is we've never managed to use it all.
We run both our iPhones and both our iPads from it, and also download kindle books whenever the fancy takes us. Suits us.
I used to use one from 3mobile as my main PC internet connection and it started out ok. However their network became far too slow to be used most of the time (even a snail would have to stop and comment on how slow it was) and so I now only have it as a reserve (have to keep it since there is another year to run on the contract).