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wiltsman | 17:57 Thu 21st Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Are there any pupils out there, that had their GCSE results today, without a TV camera being shoved in front of them?


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Yes, young Chill is on 'fast track' in school and has taken some of his GCSE's early, aged 14. He got: English Lit A Science B Spanish B Performing Arts A Religious Studies A (not bad for an atheist!) I am a very, very proud father!
18:04 Thu 21st Aug 2014
Yes what a joke.

When I took mine I got the results through the post and I don't think the figures even warranted a mention on the news. Mind you, we took 'O' Levels - a somewhat different beast.
When I took O levels (this may have been due to the particular examining board) no grades were awarded. Against each subject on the certificate would be simply the words PASS or FAIL. This was in the 60s.
Yes, young Chill is on 'fast track' in school and has taken some of his GCSE's early, aged 14. He got:

English Lit A
Science B
Spanish B
Performing Arts A
Religious Studies A (not bad for an atheist!)

I am a very, very proud father!
Well done young chill - far too much knocking of young people all the time, gets on my bloody nerves.
Likewise, well done young Chill. The knocking of young people and their results really does annoy me, especially when I see the standard of work which candidates produce in the scripts I mark.
In the 50's the results were to sort the wheat from the big celebrations.

In the 80's we saw presents given, money, holidays etc as rewards for good results.

Sherrardk...nobody is knocking the children, as they cannot help the frenzy that usually foolws academic"success."

In the 2000's we say the onset of the media...TV..Political gain.

Different times, different values.
I went into school this morning for our results day. There were no press photographers or TV cameras there and no-one was taking photographs of people jumping for joy, throwing certificates in the air or turning cartwheels.
Sqad, in the 50's the wheat and chaff were sorted at age eleven.
I should have added that the absence of cameras and press photographers was despite a record pass rate in Maths, bringing us above the national average for the first time, following a huge programme of intervention. The Maths staff may be doing cartwheels in the pub later, though
Well done to them (and you), factor. Nice innit?
It was called the "Eleven Plus" exam wasn't it? I remember it well: I failed it, and my parents took away my car...Some devastated was I; I have a photo of the occasion somewhere.
Thanks to those who expressed kind sentiments.
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Thank you for your replies. Very interesting.

.... and well done to young Chill.

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