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What A Wash Out

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Dee Sa | 17:01 Mon 25th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
cooked loads of picnic food yesterday was expecting visitors and all going to the Havering Town show, everyone cancelled because of the weather, not that I blame them but we had such a nice day planned.


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Aw, couldn't you have eaten it inside, Dee. It's a wash out in my neck of the woods today.
Yes Dee, but today's weather was forecast with reasonable confidence about five or six days ago.

(no sense in food going to waste) shall i come over, with a decent bottle of wine?
how sad cancelled becouse of the weather, you could of gone somewhere warm and dry.
Peeing down here too...had our picnic yesterday...not that I'm rubbing it in;-)
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Sunny here !! :0)
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sorry about that colinandjess...I love birds of prey...I've held some of them...
Have you seen my 'Bald eagle landing on my arm' photo, cupid? I posted it a while ago.
No, perhaps you could post link. Mr.c doesn't like eagle tried to claw his crown jewels, lol!
Here you go cupid. It's a bit blurred I'm afraid.

Where was Mr.c keeping his chick? In his pocket?
Lovely photo, magnificent bird. All my photos are old...when you still had to take them to the chemist to be developed.
where are you going to colin ?
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new judge I don't take much notice of the weather forecast as they are usually wrong, great job working for the Met Office no matter how wrong you get the forecast its never your fault and u don't get sacked. My granddaughter & great grandson had quite a way to travel on public transport & live 5 mins walk from nearest bus stop so decided against setting out,others felt the same have frozen the food for another day.
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At least its only drizzled here today and its not at all cold..
It was been warning us for several days that it was going to rain here all day, which is why we didn't plan to do anything.

Our downpipe (shared with the neighbour) is overflowing again, dammit - the soakaway is full up :-(

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