Do you have an ice cream maker? Do you use it a lot or is it another of those gadgets that you buy, use a few times, and then it just sits in the cupboard?
Yes I bought one, used it once and it then joined the fondue maker and Breville toasted sandwich maker ,in a cupboard. They then all went off to charity shops and hopefully lived happily ever after.
I've had one for years and use it a lot. Have great fun creating different combinations of flavours... even made porridge ice cream a couple of years ago. In the summer we usually have about 5-6 different home made ice creams in the freezer
Dee, I also bought an Autochop from the Ideal Home Exhibition in the 70s. Wow, what a time saver is going to be. An end to all chores involving chopping up veggies. NOT!!! Another one that went to the charity shop via a lengthy spell in a cupboard.
Oh, I forgot. I also bought an electric carving knife in the 70s. Another boon companion for the busy housewife. Yeah right. Yet another charity shop donation.
As for ice cream makers, I now use my local Italian shop on the seafront. Marocco's is lovely ice cream.
ice cream machine and bread maker, ice cream machine was a two week wonder, now sat in the garage.
Bread maker bought last winter with all good intentions, still sat in box , unused.
I will use it this winter, i will, I will.
Ask me again next year, and it will probably still be in the box in pristine condition. lol. X