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Breaking A Promise To A Teenager!

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Smowball | 00:13 Fri 29th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Help! To cut a long story short ive been to Cuba for 2 wks, During holiday it transpired that his girlfiend was msging him saying she was self harming. end result was nightmare. I said I had 2 spk 2 her mum, he went mental.......he said I wud b breaking a promise and I don't even know ifshe is she is telling the truth....... help???


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I think you really do have to speak to her mum, Smow.

If she is lying and this is all about attention seeking, she needs to realise how dangerous that can be.

And if she really is self-harming, she needs help before she really hurts herself, and to get to the cause of why she is harming.

Your son will not be happy with you, but hopefully in time he will realise that you are doing it for her own good. If she were to take the harming too far and something happened to her, would you or he be able to live with that?
No one has suggested what my initial gut reaction would be if faced with this situation.

If this was my son, i'd be doing what I could, albeit possibly slyly to sever this relationship ASAP.
I'm with Boo
I agree with B00 too.
and me. no disrespect to the young girl, but a teenage boy has enough to cope with without a possible ? unstable girlfriend.
The more attention she gets for it, the more she will do it.
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt as they say.
Also agreeing with boo. I don't think this relationship holds anything but angst for the poor lad.
If you do talk to the mother hopefully the girl with take the huff and break up with your son anyway.

You are assuming the girlfriends mother is approachable -mine would not have been and the outcome would have been that I was beaten black and blue for 'showing her up' As this has been put in 'chatterbank' and not Family life I feel perhaps I can point out that your son seems to go from one crisis to another, as you do, and the last thing he needs is an unstable girlfriend on top of everything else.

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