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Post Office Fee To Pay

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plowter | 18:53 Thu 28th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Postie delivered one those grey 'Unfortunately we can't deliver your item because there is a fee to pay' cards.

Total cost £1.20 - that's 20p shortfall plus £1.00 charge.

I've no idea what it could be.
Should I pay the fee to find out or just ignore it?

What would you do?


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Ignore it. It's more than likely spam, but even if not they will contact you again.
It'll be a Royal Mail charge. If you aren't expecting anything I'd just leave it- it saves the money and presumably saves a trip to thr depot
It'll be your first over sized Christmas card, Plowter.....mine always are....:-(
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Yeah, sounds like a rotten gamble. £1.20 to find out if someone has sent me something interesting? I don't feel lucky, punks. Will prolly ignore it.

Most of mail is automatically franked by machine, can only think of a couple of local charities that might use lickety stamps.

However, it might be some cash from that Nigerian prince who wants me to share £30,000,000 dollars ...
I bet someone is trying to sell you something to make your pens longer ...
Did you mean pencil, Dave?
I got one of those, paid the fee and got a birthday card that was not for me.
Curiosity would get the better of me. For £1.20 I'd pay up. If it's crap don't give the postman his Christmas tip.
Could be worse! Ever had an item from the US intercepted by customs? :-(

One I had recently was over £30!! Most of the time items from the US get through!!
I'd pay £1.20 to satisfy my curiosity ....... its least unlikely to be spam as spam is franked, so is either Great Auntie Lou getting in a muddle with her large letter stamps or the local charity you support wanting you to sell a few raffle tickets.

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Gawd, can't decide.
Might be calls for a donation to the Home for Incontinent Donkeys or St Abdabs Anti-Abstinence College.

How to choose?

Instructions are to add stamps or ignore.
So, should I lick or stick?
Suck it and see?
Whenever i get these cards i put the stamps on it as instructed and post it back and await "my surprise package" I havent been disappointed yet!
You have to pay and collect now, Plowter...we all want to know what it is..☺
Did you stick plowter?

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Post Office Fee To Pay

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