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slow computer

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didappointed | 15:27 Fri 07th Nov 2008 | Computers
4 Answers
what's the best way to speed up my computer? Just lately it has been very slow. Even when switching on it takes 7 minutes to load.


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best way is a complete crash and burn.... time consuming - but worth the effort

I do mine every 12-18 months
failing that
uninstall anything you don't use (be honest)
shift the 1000000000 photos and 99999999999 mp3s to CD/DVD (do it twice .... just in case)
verify the backups .... then delete the files from HDD
install ccleaner
and finally defrag the disc .... and check for errors

won't make as much difference ... but it should improve things

Check what programs are starting automatically in your startup folder.

You don't need your satnav, mp3, office software running all the time - it slows down start up time and hogs resources.

Start - run - msconfig

Click the start up folder tab

If you see anything there and you are positive what it is, and your computer doesn't need it to run, untick it.

If you are unsure as to what you are doing, download Startup Inspector (free)

When the program is running, click 'consult' and deselect all the unnecessary stuff

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