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Wireless Headphones

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Ric.ror | 13:51 Mon 01st Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
My mum cannot hear her TV despite how loud she has it (she can hear normal conversation though)
I would like to try her some headphones but they would need to be VERY simple
Anyone any advice/experience?

All answers would be gratefully received


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You may find the items on this link more specific to hearing-impaired people, Ric:
My MIL had a loop system which was very good, she could hear the TV but it didn't have to be going at full blast, which the rest of us appreciated. Before that she did try earphones but found they got uncomfortably hot after a short time. There was nothing wrong with the earphones, it was just the pressure on the ears.
I am not sure what you mean.

Is it that she can't hear the TV or that she can hear it, but cannot understand what they say?

I would bet that it is the latter, in which case headphones will be useless and she will have to rely on subtitles.

This product worked for a deaf relative of mine...she could barely hear normal conversation, though.
Also a bit pricey.
Try contacting Deaf Action to see if they can give some advice.

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Wireless Headphones

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