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HD Ready ????????

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ianthe plumb | 20:28 Thu 06th Apr 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
Whats all this about??? Do i need to buy a digital tv or can i still watch my old tv through a digi box???many thanks confused....


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put simply you need a high definition ready tv(hdtv) and a sky hd box to receive a high definition picture.your old tv will work just fine for receiving normal pictures.
Be careful as most "HD Ready" TV's aren't actually HD in the truest sense of the term. Half HD would be a closer description
true,but they are still hd ready ie they can receive an hd signal.
They can but they can't necessarilly display at a full HD resolution.

Officially Full HDTV is around 1080i, but can go up to 1125i as a mazimum.. Standard (SDTV) is on average 525 PAL/NTSC

As above a lot of the first 'HD-Ready' TV's are actually only capable of 720p (Progressive Scan) or even 480i (at Digital Quality).

The thing to watch out for is that with the upcoming HD-DVD and Blu Ray technologies, the companies have the ability to hardcode on to the disc a limit on HD output so that an older TV with HD capability would not be able to watch the movie in HD unless it could handle the full 1080i. This is being pushed as a method to prevent piracy more than a way of getting you all to buy a new TV, but the truth is yet to be seen.

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