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Funny Signs/fridge Magnets In Your Kitchen.

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Georgiesmum | 19:04 Fri 29th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What funny signs/fridge magnets do you have in your kitchen? I have a sign that says "If you cant smell burning it must be salad today" and another one that says"Menu for today-choice of two-- Take it or leave it!"


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if god listens to a' mens prayers he must be scunnered ?
I have two which are me to a T

If you must notice the dust, please don't write in it.

If you must write in the dust - please don't date it.
I also have another one, with a pretend bell, which says

If you want anything, press here for the maid. If there's no reply - Get it yourself.
I have lots but a huge one a friend gave me....and I'm not sure if I like it or not...says...

Grow your own dope.....Plant a man.....☺
I have one what say's
some days your the pigeon and some day's you're the statue
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I want the ones Boxy has!
There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate!
Preserve wild life - pickle a squirrel
Grandchildren bought me one that says, "My Mum knows a lot of things but my Nana knows everything" I love it as when they come round they ask me questions to check if I do. Usually silly things like what colour are Peters eyes? He is in their class at school. When I say I don't know they retaliate with so you don't know everything then Nana!
Courtesy of an edition of TG Magazine a few years ago my fridge has become a TopGear Cool Wall. No room for anything else.

warning! complaints to the cook may be hazardous to your health
I only have one fridge magnet and I'm afraid it isn't funny like the ones already mentioned, it's just a bear in bed asleep with the words, I don't do mornings. it was bought for me by a friend who knows how I hate getting up out of my pit.
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'No Smoking, but anything else is permitted'
'My house was clean and tidy last week, sorry you missed it'
Anyone can cook but, only mothers make meals!
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Thanks. They are all good answers.x

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Funny Signs/fridge Magnets In Your Kitchen.

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