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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:51 Mon 08th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
130 Answers
Monday again. A bit chilly this morning outside, but I can see some stars twinkling merrily. I hope the sun warms us up soon. I've been trying to plan where things will go when i move everything for the workmen to do there job. I haven't got very far. The problem room is the office. I'm gong to have to move my desk, two roll front cabinets and a three drawer filing cabinet. Moving them is not so much the problem as where I'm going to put everything in them while I do. It'll sort itself out.

Tiggy and missus were in last night, after I'd sent a moggie that was after their supper packing.

Have a happy day everyone.


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have to go wash behind my ears before going to doc....see you later xx
oh great! if I ever crack 70, Wendi, it sounds like I'll need to invent new sweary words!!

Ye canny beat a semmit, but Minty, maybe we should wear string vests instead :-D
Take care Minty xx
Hope the MOT goes well xx
who would want fizzy belhaven anyway.....
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Good luck minty. Have a happy day xxxxx :o}
Time to wriggle but not wiv pooch - wriggled wiv her earlier :-)
Gotta do stuff for Mr Alba

Hope each has a melifluous Monday xxxxxxx

(just hope melifluous is a good thing!!)
Have a good day you two- no flurtin' with the doc, minty.....
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Have a happy wriggle albs. Don't make him late for work! ;o} xxxxx
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Time I went and found something to avoid doing too.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
First morning back in Edinburgh. Not much better than the previous two weeks. Also cold. Oh well . morning all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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