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Caran | 23:27 Thu 11th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Got back from cruise this afternoon. We are shattered had to be up at 6.00 am as we had to vacate the cabin by 7.00 am. I know they have to clean up before the change over but I think that was a bit too unreasonable.
The cruise was brilliant and the weather was glorious the whole way through.
The downer was the price of drinks, wine was £5 a glass and bottles were £22 each. We did find a rosé at £15 that was ok but they do get shirty if you buy at a bar and take the bottle into the restaurant. Even though they sell the same wine there.
We started buying wine ashore and smuggling it in in my handbag. Never got caught once.
Glad to be home, missed you all as no internet as MIFI didn't connect after Saturday.


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Glad you had a nice time. Where did you go?
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We cruised round the British isles from tillbury taking in Invergorden.Stornaway, Tobermory, Dublin, scilly isles, guernsey and Honfleur.
Wow! Lucky you!

I've never been on a cruise...
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It's a brilliant experience Baby_Sham
I can imagine! I'd love to give it a try :-)
Drink prices on cruises are always evil, it#s a captive audience. Mind you, £9 a glass at Gatwick Hilton takes the biscuit :-(
I'm so jealous - Tilbury is really lovely.
//captive audience//

How true. Many years ago I complained at the bar in the departure lounge at Newcastle Airport when I was charged the same price for a gin and tonic as a whole bottle of gin would have cost in an off-licence. The reply was, "Very well, Sir, off you go and see if you can find an off-licence open at a quarter to six in the morning! Collapse of stout party.
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Love it Obiter
So Newcastle Airport reduce their prices during normal off-licence hours do they - I think not.
No, as Caran says, captive audience. Once you're through security there's no going back and they've got you by the goolies.
Welcome back Caran x
Hope you had a great time
//I was charged the same price for a gin and tonic as a whole bottle of gin would have cost in an off-licence. // //So Newcastle Airport reduce their prices during normal off-licence hours do they - I think not.//

People who say things like that don’t understand business. The extra you pay for drinks/food in a bar or restaurant is not all profit. Included are the wages of the people serving you, their uniforms if applicable, the wages of the cleaners and the equipment they need to do the job, the wages of the people who wash your used glasses and plates, or the cost of the purchase and maintenance of the machine that does that, and the hot water and essential cleaning products needed, the cost of the glasses/cutlery/tableware, the cost of the cash registers and other equipment, and their maintenance, the furniture you’re using, the flooring you’re walking on, the cost of keeping the venue in a state of good repair, the electricity to heat and light the place, plus insurance, rent, rates, taxes, etc., etc. It’s not as simple as it seems. If you go to the Hilton, you can expect to pay high prices - their overheads are rather higher than those of a greasy spoon café - as is the service you receive.

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