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royfromaus | 17:22 Sat 16th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I've tried 4 browers, pop up blockers

Security scans etc, etc

But nothing seems to stop it!

It's relentless.


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Same here. It's annoying ain't it!!
Agree! I'll probably have to take it to a computer expert and pay for it to be removed.
Have you tried turning off/disabling any java plugins within your browser (whichever that is)? Don't know if that would make a difference since I don't have the problem myself; I use various browser security measures including using a 64bit browser rather than the standard 32bit. AB, for instance, doesn't need java to function but does need javascript.
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I don't mean the java thing, bibble ...I mean the NETthreads :0)
sorry, p.s. i don't get those either
What are you on about, Roy?
To stop WHAT????

Is it the fake Java update?
I've been offline since Monday (in Hospital)
Logged on tonight, up came fake Java, Closed down, Restarted, got all the updates going, no more fake java, so happy bunny.
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