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never ask for help on a forum lol

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redcrx | 09:01 Fri 25th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
some of these are worth a giggle :)


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Love the Harry Potter one, bet the guy was seriously dischuffed though that no one helped him, though to be fair- they did remove the red eye!
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lets hope theres many more then, Eddie :)
That looks like Bez!
pmsl sorry, that is so funny, I am trying to stiffle my giggles.
It so does look like Bez !!

My door is open and I am howling with laughter -one of the funniest things ive seen in a long time (neighbours in the garden and i have to go back out lol)

Thanks for that redcrx -made my day !!
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just looked again, its the school teacher one, makes me laugh the most lol
red. i don't come on here much these days but remember our thread a bit back.

if you want to have a chat about disneyland, then drop me a line at [email protected]
no pressure, up to you. i aint a stalker nor nuffink. if you want some pointers and what not then just mail and i can relay some pointers from our trip in june. btw, it was fab.

if no (privacy, mad maniacs etc) then no worries.
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ankou, thats really nice of you, thanks.
I shall drop you an email when i get a few questions together! :)
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never ask for help on a forum lol

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