My mum in law is seriously ill and I have been really fond of her from the moment we met and she has been extremeley supportive of me, am I the only man or woman who will admit their fondness
Hi CT. Me and my boyfriend are not getting on at all at the moment. It might be strange, but thinking about ending it all upsets me because I get on so well with his parents (sorry to hear about your mother in law's illness, CT. Hope she's well again soon) x
Thank you its a matter of time, she has OCPD which is lung related, shes improving but you never know, my mum in law has always kept in touch with the girlfriends of her sons even after they split, she has time for anyone, she must have, she has time for me!
i no exactly how whiskeysheri feels me husband and i have been going through a rocky patch for years now the thought of ending it worries me because i get on with my mother in law really well.
My mother in law died in February, extremly suddenly, not expected at all. It's been really difficult since then, naturally for my husband but for me as well as I was very fond of her.