Breaking all the rules of my spiritual teachers, I still distinguish between good and bad (although they accept we must until we become enlightened, so am only working within my own levels). That means any dissatisfaction with the present is directly related to the past, where besides the stress of having to take exams and courses, I lived in a family house and supported with local friends around me, and was then expelled into a less affluent area, living alone and pretty much left to my own devices while at home, with no known way of bringing back that family system. On top of that the only other family I spent time with (since 1972) were three generations of my friend's family nearby, who suddenly left the country after I'd been living on my own for about 9 years.
This meant that most of the foundations of my quality of life had now gone, besides my close family, and by 2009 that went down to only my parents, who live opposite sides of London and have done for a long time. My entire plan would be to return to the days of the 60s and 70s, ideally in the same area, with a new set of people and as you cannot control who you meet and what they want then it's at least 50% out of my hands. I was ready for marriage since 1984 and haven't even come close so no, I don't believe you can plan much, as the most important thing in life are people and you have very little control over them.