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seekeerz | 22:58 Fri 26th Sep 2014 | Crosswords
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Last one - from a British dialect, which word means a spoilt or difficult child (7) I have n??n?e? Any helpers out there please


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23:20 Fri 26th Sep 2014
Whinger ?? if 1st letter wrong.
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Thanks guys

Svejk's answer fits the letters but not the OED definition of 'nannied: "That has or employs a nanny. In extended use: overprotected, sheltered; restricted"

However it's probably right!
Well done, Lynne!

According to the OED, the definition is both 'English regional' and 'Australian' for "A scandalous or troublesome person or thing".

In particular, "The Lingo: Listening to Australian English" by Graham Seal (University of New South Wales Press, 1999) states: "Nointer is a Taswegianism for a precocious child or youth destined for a bad end".

*** 'ell, Seekerz, they set some damned hard crosswords in your part of the world!
Good grief! AB's swear filter is getting even stricter! I thought that the present tense of 'bloodied' ceased to be regarded as swearing years ago (and, of course, it has a non-vulgar meaning as well!)
yes the censor has gone mad lately.
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Aha ! The plot thickens ...thanks Chris and mamya, sorry I can't give you the BA mamya, I've been a bit quick to award it.

Yes, this one is a bit of a stinker, it throws up some really curly clues and makes a mess of Saturday mornings. Thanks again to you both.
>>>sorry I can't give you the BA mamya, I've been a bit quick to award it.

Unless the techies in AB Towers have changed things, you should still be able to click on 'Mark as Best Answer', which will change what appears as 'Best Answer'. (I've lost quite a few that way!)
BA is not an issue.
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there you go, mamya xx
Thank you x
not even Australian, just Tasmanian (crossed with Glaswegian, for some reason) - that must cover about 27 people.
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you'd be just about right there, jno the Taswegian connection was part of the original question but I deleted it from mine so as not to confuse lol
that's discrimination against taffy's, that is. I'm reporting the lot of you. And the Editors a close personal friend.
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Svejk husband is half Welsh, so why are we getting stuck into them ??
Oh oh!!!
thought I'd gone to bed, didn't you. lol.

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