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What's The Plans

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queenofmean | 13:44 Thu 25th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
...for your afternoon. I'm sitting trying to get rid of a horrible cold watching Say Yes To The Dress and reading a magazine...I don't plan on moving unless I have to. Anyone having a lazy one care to join me (but don't get too close)


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oooh cake ;)
ooh yes, save a big slice of cake for me too.
just put a cake to bake in the oven but don't know how it's going to turn out!
it's a fresh peach and Amaretto flavoured, upside down cake and the sponge has got a raspberry home made vodka liqueur in it too. Might have it with a cuppa later or have it for pud with custard tonight


might have to have the breathalyzer on hand!! lol

Anna x
Question Author
That sounds absolutely lush... If it turns out well can I try the recipe?

no probs QoM

mind you the cake batter was lush too ;-)

Anna x
I think the batter is sometimes better than the finished article (certainly in my case, lol)
Question Author
Lol...nothing beats a lick of the spoon/bowl lol
it's out of the oven cooling before i turn it upside down - smells gorge, will let you know the result otherwise its................ just eat the batter & forget the cake next time lol

Anna x
OMG it's lovely - nice 'plop' sound as i turned it out & now sitting at the computer with hot cake yum

Anna x
Question Author
Glad it turned out well :) I hope you enjoy it ;) x
did you want the recipe QoM or were you just being polite?

Anna x
queenie behave now- no cake bad girl xxx
Question Author
Yes Anna I would love the recipe thank you. I love to bake and im always looking for something new to try and your cake sounds wonderful.

Bernie I can have cake I can work out my Carbs and allocate my insulin :) I'm doing really well, although my cold has blown me a little off course but im getting there :)
Hi QofM

hope you're feeling much better now - just to let you know i've just posted the recipe on food & drink, hope you get the chance to try it & enjoy

Anna x

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