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Dog Poo.....

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gness | 16:01 Tue 07th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
....pales into insignificance when you read this....though I do hope it isn't entirely true.....or has been exaggerated....

As I said....I am not a lover of dogs.....though I don't dislike them....I couldn't hurt one but.....

I could easily use a cattle prod on the testicles of dog owners like this... if, as I's true....x


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But surely the handlers often keep the dogs themselves, they are such beautiful intelligent animals.

A horrific attack by cruel idiots, Gness
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Thank you, Piper....I know little about dogs so I really haven't considered what happens to these dogs on I said...a shame but I can see why the safest option is chosen........

Like your user last but one cat was Piper....x
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Hi, Psyb.... I was hoping there was more to the story than I heard.... how on earth could a man do that to any child....

As Tony says....the law doesn't allow the punishment some of us would meet out...x
I find it rather difficult to believe that anyone would be cruel and stupid enough to do what is described in the article. Surely they must have known they will eventually be traced.
Surely they must have known they will eventually be traced.

I certainly hope so and soon, Daffy.
I hope so too Tony, and unfortunately, I can well believe it
Well, apart from execution, which would be most apt, preferably a hostage-swap with ISIS prisoners, what else can we come up with.

testing taser guns as the victims
training material for police and military dogs

2000 hours each in disabled community service?
Any of those, DT.
Or all of them. Just to be on the safe side.
Owners like this don't have the dogs as pets, they have them for personal protection, makes them feel hard

These vicious monsters are just legal lethal weapons and the sooner they are all destroyed the better

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Dog Poo.....

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