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Where You Want To End Up!

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Caran | 01:16 Mon 13th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Talking of ashes. I said to OH I need to be near water. He said I'll flush you down the sink then should I ?


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I told the first Mr Craft that I'd have him buried at sea.............he can't swim.
Bought a double plot when Bill died,so no one has to fret about that. :-)
I too bought a double plot but when I visit it's noisy.....was too befuddled to give it thought at the I may have us both moved to a woodland burial plot....x
I am lucky in a way,this plot is in a corner and close to trees etc and to keep the water theme going, the ground is quite boggy as I recall.

I don't visit often, he isn't there really.
Funny isn't it, Mamya.....I don't like where MrG is buried and though I visit I don't feel close...I do it to look after the headstone....
There are other places I feel much closer....the bench I had put in in the nature reserve to watch Red Kites means much more....x
You've brought back memories, Caran....I posted about the bench.....

We used to walk and bird watch in a wood....when MrG became ill it was difficult and on one walk he said....When I die have a bench put in here so other poor buqqers can at least sit down for a while.....☺ I did...x
My last smoke and skinny in Thames ;)
gness I love your bench story, how nice of you to do that .
Caran all I can say is flushing down the sink is better than the loo !
I'm planning to live forever, obviously.
I've left instructions that all my old parts are to be used for transplants and medical science if wanted. I don't hold with funerals and all that palaver.
Jim, I think you'll find that its only in Los Angeles that death is optional. As soon as a bit wears out, hey pesto, just get a new part fitted and live for eternity!

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