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I Wish . . .

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rabet | 22:11 Sun 12th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Do you have regrets about relationships you ended or were ended for you? I have both, and would give anything to go back and reverse the decisions.


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Oooo, Rabet.....what a question....I would probably reverse a relationship that was started.
My boyfriend's mother was so smitten with me and desperate to have a "daughter" to plan a wedding for that I married him! Yes, I was that soft in those days....I didn't want to let her down....

But I would never have had my son from that now...I wouldn't change a thing....

Before I had my son?....I should have run a mile......☺
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Gness, that is so complicated!

Regrets, No, but will admit to a certain curiosity about someone I knew as a friend and neighbour, who tried to instigate a closer friendship with me about the same time as I met my OH.
I know, Rabet...... I'm a simple soul...but I like everyone to be I end up with the most complicated life....

I only came on all innocence ask a question about a car... and look what happened to me..... ;-)
Rabet...if you could reverse those decisions would your life be better... happier...?

Talking Tillet Court there ^^ rabbet, your locale
Looking back on my 'love' marriage that I have no regrets for but for his family's constant intrusions and objections. There's a lot to be said for 'arranged marriages' when the two families support the couple.
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Sorry to have started such an intriguing topic so late at night; please contribute and I will be back with you tomorrow morning, after a night of tears and self re-crimination.
Oh, Rabet.......I'm sorry.....(x)
Arranged marriages? Give me strength not to swear like a trooper!
only to get on with inlaws MIL was a monster
Mine was manipulative and doted on her darling boy. No problems until she came to live nearby.
Rabet so sorry you are sad, take care.♥

I had a relationship that was complex and at times violent but after that ended I met a wonderful man and was happily married for 35 years.

He died in 2008 and I have now got a wonderful gentleman friend who I care for very much.

Regrets and recriminations do nothing but make us unhappy.

No. I could have done some things differently, but it's all in the past - no point in even thinking about it, and the outcomes would have been the same. What ifs can make you miserable...
No, no regrets at all. My dog has proved more of a friend and companion than any man ever could !

Sorry to hear about your problems rabet ..

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I Wish . . .

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