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Good Morning Early Birdies

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lady-janine | 04:21 Tue 14th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
160 Answers
hello all. is boaty having problems again?


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Yes, I can imagine that, the top line probably being Peter Frampton, the musician....
:o} Or trying to work out what the '16' is.
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....does look gorgeous, yes xx
It is. There a buildings going back hundreds of years. A 12th century barn that is still in use.

I showed DT on of the hand-wound bridges and we had a natter with the bridge keeper. The longest village green in the country with a pub at each end.
That's a question for quiz night on AB......time to be shifting into gear me thinks.....have a good day all.
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Morning Jim xx

Have a good day, dt xx
That's the old village by the way. The newer bits are not so lovely.

On the canal just by the Fretherne bridge is the old Cadbury's plant, where boats from all over brought cocoa beans to be processed into what's called crumb. That's pure chocolate in pieces about the size of half a brick. It was loaded into narrow boats to be taken up the canal and onto the river Severn above Gloucester to the Cadbury's works at Bourneville. The cadbury brothers instructed the narrowboat skippers to make sure all the children along their route should know what the crumb tasted like. The skippers were happy to oblige as it always insured they had an overnight mooring.
Have a good'un DT. :o}

Morning jim. All well?
I need to be off. Have a good day, everyone xxx
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Meh... :)
Have a happy day pix xxxxx :o}

oz the Cadbury brothers built Bourneville for their workers. It had a hospital, library, parks and open spaces, modern (for the time) housing etc. All within easy walking distance of the factory.
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You're welcome oz. They were very forward thinking and really looked after their workers. They also gave every worker a pension when they retired.
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Have a happy evening oz. :o}

I must be orft too. Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx

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