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Another 'holy Man' Blots His Copybook.

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sandyRoe | 18:47 Thu 09th Oct 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
8 Answers
What is it about the world of faith that attracts so many chancers?


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// What is it about the world of faith that attracts so many chancers? //

It's a way of getting access to vulnerable people so you can exploit them.
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It's heart rending to hear the truth Gods spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Once you've gotten someone to swallow the premise that "God said anything" based on the promise that reality is "something other" than what it is, it's then only a simple matter of filling in the void created in the absence of reason.
There are chancers and predators in every walk of life, sadly.

The Indian equivalent of a RC Priest by the sound of it!
////What is it about the world of faith that attracts so many chancers?////

Easy pickings from the gullible.
"There are chancers and predators in every walk of life, sadly."

Very true. But some walks were made for and by chancers and predators - and religion happens to be one of them.

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Another 'holy Man' Blots His Copybook.

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