This question has probably been on answerbank loads of times, but on my mondeo 2004 model,the cigar lighter has fused, I dropped a coin down the hole. this has happened before and I pulled out the glove conpartment and changed a fuse. I thought it was the first fuse, 2nd row on the left, but that fuse is o.k.
I then tried all the 15a fuses and none were blown. so, am I looking at the wrong fuse, or could something else be wrong. also, there is a line of small fuses ( top row) then a gap on the next row which is the length of a large fuse
which seems to be the start of both row 2 and 3, so is this counted as anything? why is it empty?
do you not have a handbook ? usually gives all the fuse positions.
I have to laugh i done the same thing in an Astra 5p straight down the hole(exactly the right size, took me ages to get it out)...luckily in the Vauxhall version the centre contact is made in a way so that it wont short out..
The only way is to look in the correct owner's handbook .. or on the fusebox lid.
I looked after wiring and electronics for FMC for quite a while .. and that is the only way, apart from the official Ford workhop manual, or a technical help request from your local dealer to FMC.
some fuse slots are empty they are for additional electrical things that may be future fitted also if your fag lighter has gone usually it affects the rear window heater or the horn too check this, and if you look on back of fuse cover you should see they symbol that relates to the fuse position, also tho not 100% sure but think its a 15 amp but check first, to cure this problem either put a block over the hole or stop putting coins in the glove box