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the reason for the 2 threads are simple , one says how it may look unfair, and how it has made me sad and poor the other is to say well ive actually been better off the poorer I have become , so how can the sanctions work if I am better off for been sanctioned than I was when im actually getting my full jsa, I have basically manipulated the system and not by breaking any laws, so how can this be working , all it has done is shown how a mockery of the system I have made it , I even manage to run my own car , and I could not afford that on money when I was in full time work, so the art of surviving and been one step ahead is inm my far and ye sthe dwp may not see it but really they have done me a favour, and anyone who thinks stopping benefits for 4 weeks for missing 1 appointment with dwp warrants what they did then god help the uk , people cant see the bigger picture of what sanctions are creating , id say just be aware of more crime as people get desperate for basic human rights survival like the right to have food and water which the sanctioned person will still get but has to go another way round it its pointless...