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Cover Versions: Who Knew?

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ChillDoubt | 12:54 Tue 14th Oct 2014 | Music
9 Answers
We often have perennial discussions on here about 'what is your favourite cover' etc but how many knew about these?

I knew of one(Joan Jett) but the rest, not the first idea.



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I didn't know about many of those, Chill.

A lot of Jazz, and certainly Classical music involves covers all the time. It's been a big moan of mine for years that there aren't enough covers in Pop. While the standard of artists and performers has gone way up over the last fifty years, the standard of writing mostly hasn't.

Talented performers today, yes, but very few can write. Even those that do can suffer from "sameness". With Jazz and Classical, it's a matter of interpretation of previously written material. The happy result is endless variety.
Another one is No More I Love Yous by Annie Lennox - not her song at all. The far superior original was by The Lover Speaks.
Quizmonkey has just reminded me of another great cover from the same era.
I can't think of a better take on a known song than Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing compares 2 U"

A Prince tune. Now that guy can write :o)
I was just going to mention Nothing Compares to You as well. I`m surprised Jealous Guy isn`t on the list as well although it`s not that much of a secret that it was John Lennon`s song.
"I particularly like the Dolly PARDON one!"


"I said I particularly like The Dolly PARDON one!"


"Deaf ****"
Talking of Dolly Pardon, Pute .............

In the 70s, Linda Ronstadt recorded the definitive take on Dolly's "I will always love you"

Sublime... until that Houston person steamrollered all over it. In the Music world, all that over-blowing is still know as "Whitneying"
Apparently, Elvis Presley wanted the song I Will Always Love You from Dolly Parton but was refused.
Dolly obviously has taste, 237 ;o)
There are literally 100's of original versions out there, I've been collecting them for years along with music writer Jon Kutner and pop aficianados Frank Henderson and Ray Marshall we have quite a collection between us. Here are just a few examples: Original Hit
You're Moving out Today Bette Midler Carole Bayer Sager
Talking In Your Sleep Marmalade Crystal Gayle
Self Control RAF Laura Branigan
Halfway To Paradise Tony Orlando Billy Fury
Deeper Shade of Blue Tina Cousins Steps
One Day at a Time Marilyn Sellars Lena Martell
Come Back and Stay The Nerves Paul Young
Someone Loves you Honey Johnny Rodriguez Lutricia McNeil

It's a fascinating subject researching them then tracking them down.

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