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saga april crossword

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crossword | 12:35 Tue 11th Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Good morning all

I am still struggling can you help with

Politician consumed by lae and order ( 10 across)


2 down French prime minister and full bodied priest associated with European Union


15down Foolish type i'll seem dancing without companian


6 down

Trade-union scoundrel, one with Scots law adviser

6and 6

A----- C-I-A-



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2 Richelieu

2d Richelieu
Last one is amicus curiae
How many letters in 10 across? i cant read your dots. Also should lae be law?

10a RU MP LE

15d schlemiel - I'll seem CH (Companion of Honour)

Question Author

thank you all for the help

I have about finished this months crossword.

I have put GOYA in 25 across is that correct

this painter made to leave then always returned

and ILIA in 5 down which I dont understand

Diagnose one with back trouble Fused bones and I can not find it in the dictionary.

Thanks again

5d I trouble AIL (back) - ILIA

25a GO (AY - for ever) - GOYA

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saga april crossword

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