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The Crown Prosecution Service Said It Would Apply For The "ill-Gotten" Money To Be Confiscated.

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sandyRoe | 23:18 Fri 17th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What are the chances that their ill-gotten gains will be sitting around somewhere easily accessible?


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Cannot understand why so many, mostly women, part with their money for 'love'. These are heartless, ruthless men.
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I guess they're trying to convince the person they think they're building a relationship with of their good faith.
POCA - I am sure there is a parallel in the Emerald Isle

Do con men spend it all on foreign holidays and gambling
I agree if yes - then it is lost

If no - then large transfers can be traced - coz they are large
and the recipient ( I was the alleged recipient in one case ) is invited to explain the transaction or loose the money. That is the accused has the burden of showing that the transaction is lawful

So in my case they said show you arent related to the Mancini gang or we will take the house off you. I bleated bankrupt stock at an auction - I dont believe you dont have details....and THEY said o yeah you're right.....

Assets Recovery Agency. They will take and do take everything off you.
If you are raided ( horribile pensu ! ) and 'they' find a large sum of money in the house, unless you can show how you came by it the p'lice will pocket it. I mean it passes immediately into the possession of the Chief Constable and is diverted to useful and charitable purposes ( I think).

Big money maker - as soon as they 'deem' an asset to be seizable - then YOU have to show it aint - and not they have to show it is

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So, in this the law has been turned upside down? It's no longer 'innocent until proven guilty'?
I new some of the people that flooded the country with £m14 of fake £20 pound notes in 2006, most got jail sentences but none of them had any goods confiscated apart from the printing / foiling machines
How the hell do people still fall for such an obvious scam?
There was an item on the news last night, where a gang was sentenced for the old scam where they phone you pretending to be your bank and tell you that they have noticed a fake transaction on your account. Then they ask for your PIN so that they can cancel your card. Then say they will send an employee round to pick up the card so that they can destroy it and deliver a new one. One of the people who fell for this was supposed to be
'a self made business woman who had built up a million £ business from scratch' A self made millionaire falls for that !!!!
// So, in this the law has been turned upside down? It's no longer 'innocent until proven guilty'? //

um yeah - I didnt go down the route of have the Assets Recovery Agency got the right fella ? ( little me that is ! ). I thought instead that unless I put my back into this, they will get a confiscation order....

In terms of asset recovery in the case of £50m forged notes
does anyone see the elephant in the room ?
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This team rooking the lovelorn look as though they might have squirrelled the ill-gotten gains away in Nigerian banks.

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The Crown Prosecution Service Said It Would Apply For The "ill-Gotten" Money To Be Confiscated.

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