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Do You Have To Wear Clothes To Work?

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bednobs | 11:51 Sun 19th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
apparently I don't ....
we are having a brief respite from the drizzle that has been permeating for the last two weeks, so I asked my husband to put some washing on so that I could get some dried today.
I come downstairs to put it out and all his stuff is washed, all mine still in the
his excuse?
"i had to get some clean clothes to wear to work next week"


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Mine doesn't know how any of the appliances work either. He does know how to open the fridge to get a drink out that's it. Oh and he can make himself a cup of te but doesn't understand that the tea bag should go in the bin not dropped on the bench or placed neatly on top of the sugar caddy.
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OH once put the washing on, including my 2 best cashmere polo-necks, "I'm doing my best" was his response to my anger. He once offered to make supper, I suggested pasta and a batch of spag bol from the freezer, took him two hours. There used to be a TV programme Can't Cook, Won't Cook, I wanted to send him on Can't Cook, Will Cook, he expects eulogies whatever it tastes like.
My ex did the same once. I asked him why he didn't put my washing in with his and he said he needed his for work. We worked in the same office, and did the same hours!!
On the other side of the coin, my ex once attempted to cut the grass whilst I was out. She did not realise you had to activate the dead mans handle on the mower prior to pressing the power button.
Instead, she unplugged the lead but for some inexplicable reason decided (with a metal handled table knife I might add) to dismantle the power cable and check the connections at the business end whilst still plugged into the mains.
I returned home to find her, not literally but actually, in a state of shock and quiet contemplation.
She never attempted any form of DIY/garden maintenance ever again.
When we were first married, OH had a pair of trousers that needed ironing. As they were a woollen fabric and I new that woollen fabrics have to be ironed inside out, that's what I did, creases and all.
We don't do the washing....or cooking....or cleaning....or ironing etc

It's not our job
Aaaaaah, wondered when Neanderthal man would arrive and he never disappoints.
In reality probably been single all his life and will remain so with that attitude. Or until he clubs the good lady over the head and drags her back to the cave.........
Yes, I failed the physical for the exotic dancer job :-(
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Do You Have To Wear Clothes To Work?

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