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gness | 00:49 Thu 23rd Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I hope today has been more peaceful for you...... you've been in my thoughts.....



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Me too, gness. Contacting Social Services is not a cop-out, it will save your sanity in the end. Sweet dreams!
Same from me Sandy,.....loads of folk have been on your thread asking after you.
x x x
If you don't come to say hello and have a chat I will send Pricess Merlin to see you and she is one mean pussy cat.

There are many friends here who understand your situation and can help or listen.

looking forward to hearing from you sandy . . . . . when you are ready that is.
Same here Sandy when you are ready
Hello lady-janine! If you see this, I've just put a Billy song on for you.

Tony, what happened to your 'A'?

Gness, sorry for hijacking the thread. Wish there was another way to get people's attention.
Sir Alec a different Tony Me TonyV the other TonyAV
I'm confused now as to what's happening. Is this now the thread where we just address comments to Sandy?
Where do we whinge + moan about our own elderly/irritating/bonkers realtives + our horrific experiences with the NHS? ;)

x x
found it thanks SirA. about to play it a second time.
Apologies TonyV! I didn't think there could be two of you. Not another Motown Goat, surely?
You will have to start one baths as well
I thought tonyAV was a northern soul goat.
Sir Alec as they say broke the mould when they made me (1 was enough)
I think you may be right lady-J! God, I hope he doesn't see this!
I looked at the mould and it broke of it's own accord!
Lol Tony,...tis a bit late now,....will see what happens tomorrow. I've got a hot date lined up now with some of my insomniac FB mates ;)

Nite all, sleep tite x x
Hope you don't boil over baths x
Sandy , we are all thinking of you. xx
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Apologies for not answering last night.....went to bed with....................

a book..... :-(

Just wanted Sandy to know as well as nagging we think about him....♥

Bath....I like one to irritate me will be told....

You're a REAL TIVE!!!!...x

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