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Another Year On The Clock (My Age).

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Dizmo | 01:01 Mon 27th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
What do I have lined up for today - ponders. Ah yeah I've got an appointment at the Clinic - SUCH FUN!


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Is it your birthday Dizmo?
Ah yes,commonplace life does get in the way of Birthdays I know, a pain but true.

Try to enjoy the rest of it - Happy Birthday Diz.x
Question Author
Yeah 29 day.

Happy Birthday - I hope that you get some really thoughtful presents from your family. I got 12 packets of Rolos from my brother. They lasted slightly longer than I thought that they would - slightly.

Susan and Frankie de Tom Cat & Princess Merlin

Happy Birthday Dizmo .... x
Question Author
I won't be getting any presents. My mum has bought me an item of clothing. I only know that because she asked if I wanted my present yesterday. That was if it wasn't the correct size she could change it today.
Many Happy Returns of the Day.
Happy Birthday, Dizmo! :-)
Happy birthday Diz xx.... have a few drinkies after the clinic. xx
happy birthday Diz xx
Happy Birthday Dizmo:)
Happy Birthday, Diz, hope you have a good day and the clinic isn't too boring. I'll raise my glass of strawberry milkshake for you later xxx
Happy birthday Dizmo, I hope your appointment went well.

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Another Year On The Clock (My Age).

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