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Charity Donations

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Barsel | 13:07 Fri 31st Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Have just received some address labels from an animal charity asking for a donation.I would like to send something, but if I do, will they bombard me with requests all the time?


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237SJ that method did not work in my case. Maybe janbee's suggestion is better.
The problem with supporting some charities is that they also sell your name and address on to other charities so one small donation and you're snowed under with requests from others. If you feel strongly that you'd like to support would it be possible to make a cash donation in a collecting box?
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You're right knittynora, I just feel guilty about keeping the things they send without giving them a donation.
1. don't feel guilty, their targets and budgets expect a high percentage of people not to give, they will expect to produce a profit on the campaign anyway

2. they won't mind you using the labels - if they are branded you are promoting them anyway

3. if you really want to give, be careful of using their Donation Form even if you don't fill it in, it may have an id code on it
You can always send by Postal Order bought from the PO. Nothing to give away your identity on that.
Or I'm sure there is a company you can go through and they pass your donation on without identifying you. Can't think of the name at the moment though:-(
You could also go to the local animal charity shop/office and give there.
Or you could simply send a donation out of the goodness of your heart and ignore any future correspondence from them !
tried every thing to stop them,so I just keep the address labels and send the tickets back.(I don't buy any)
I find it annoying - I support Cancer Research,Air Ambulance, and Salvation Army, but this time of year am bombarded with requests to sell raffle tickets,from them and other charities,and given sheets of address labels, all these things must cost them money, perhaps they are given the prizes ( but they must pay for all the printing and postage, which to me this money would be better in their funds..... I usually return them with a polite refusal if I do not wish to help, maybe I should be less polite and do as Janbee does
I'm not sure what determines what policy they employ. I support the Red Cross through a small monthly direct debit and never hear anything from them.

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