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vetuste_ennemi | 12:36 Sat 01st Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Received a new Amazon credit card yesterday. I signed it, went online and activated it, then cut the old one(?) up. No, the NEW one.


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Well, that's one way to curtail spending. I wish I had the character to do the same.
I've done the same ... but deliberately .

I have a couple of cards that I only ever use online - I don't even know the PIN - so the actual physical card is something of a liability (say if it gets lost/stolen).

I just photocopy the front of the card & keep a separate record of the CV2 number (from the signature strip) - much safer.
I did the exact same thing earlier this year when my bank sent me a new card. When I phoned the bank and rather sheepishly told them what I had done, the girl I spoke didn't seem at all surprised and said that it happens all the time !
I told the bank I'd never recieved the nice new debit card they'd sent they cancelled it and sent a new one.
I found the first one about two months later...bundled up with other expired cards. Ooops
Nice to know it is not only me then.
I too have done it and confessed to the cc company only to be told that its very common and not to worry
I thought I was the only one to have done this. I had to phone the company and grovel an apology and I was told it was ok, it happened more than you think.
Have done the same.
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Thanks for your comments, guys. Reassuring to know that if I am dotty I'm in good company.
V_e, don't worry, no need for plastic surgery! ;-)

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