Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
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Another ironic tragedy occurred here in the U.S., day before yesterday, SJ… Wichita, Kansas is known as the center of all things general aviation (home of Cessna, Beechcraft and Lear Jet) and Flight Safety International operates a large complex of aircraft simulators for training purposes not associated with airlines. A Beechcraft King Air 200 (seen here: http:// www.goo gle.com /imgres ?imgurl =http:/ /upload .wikime dia.org /wikipe dia/com mons/5/ 5f/Beec hcraft_ Super_K ing_Air _B200_v r.jpg&a mp;imgr efurl=h ttp://p l.wikip edia.or g/wiki/ Beechcr aft_Kin g_Air&a mp;h=19 4&w =259&am p;tbnid =7-PU65 Wjkxw8t M:& zoom=1& amp;tbn h=150&a mp;tbnw =200&am p;usg=_ _UbHPd0 KI9uVLI 9CIpokl gjOHv_w =&d ocid=ry 7954ILh qRXZM&a mp;itg= 1&c lient=s afari&a mp;ved= 0CKkBEM o3& ei=u-5U VL6bDo3 2yQTK5o CYBg )(apologies for long address) apparently experienced an engine failure shortly after takeoff and crashed into one of the simulator buildings, killing three people in a simulator (plus the pilot who was alone). Imagine being a pilot but losing ones life while in an aircraft simulator?