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inej | 00:11 Thu 13th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Do insist on buying a diary (actually i have 2 ) it is now april and i have now lost interest . I start off well filling in then i forget more and more probably pick up writing again in June , I even forget to turn the page on my wall calender and that's of firemen.Anybody else do this ?


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I love diaries ( I nearly typed dairies then!), well actually I still have a school girlish delight in all things stationary.

Anyways, I aways buy one- fill in every-ones birthday- then shove it in my handbag never to be seen again!

good for you boo. i bet you are very organized.

i can never remember to keep up. my diary is my brain.
I buy a diary every year, and fill out a page a day! Have done ever since I was 12. It is now such a part of my day that I would go mad without it!
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I used to keep a personal diary when I was in my early teens, but used to do about one day every few months due to forgetting about it.

I, like Boo, have a fascination with stationery and funky pens and stuff so buy annual diaries, fill in stuff in January when it is new and then forget about it.

They also gave me a filofax wotsit at work, which I duly filled in in the New Year but haven't looked at for ages......

..........just checked it and the marker is still on January 23rd!

I've had one every year for the past 10 but have stopped now. Its just funnt to read them back. I find that its easier just to write it in bed at night about the day you've just had. :-)
Since being unemployed Ive lost the habit of diarying stuff but I love stationery and used to work in a stationery shop, I now carry a hardback notebook to jot thinks down and lists of things to do

Yep! Thats me! I do that every year and then find my diary again and start writing in it around the summer time! But funnily enough this year I didn't buy one and I bought one the other day when I was out. They were on the counter so I grabbed one. They were cheap coz its April I guess! Lol.

I don't turn my wall calendar either which is silly coz its pictures of Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) Mmmm

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