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Who Else Remembers Manitas De Plata ?

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mikey4444 | 15:16 Thu 06th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I can recall trying to play guitar like him when I was a teenager !

RIP Manitas !


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I remember the name mikey.
As we are strolling down memory lane Mikey, do you remember Edmundo Ross? Manuel and his music of the mountains? Eric Robinson?
The guitarists I recall as a child were Bert Weedon and Dwayne Eddy
The Billy Cotton Band Show
The Black and White Minstrels
Oh yes I remember him well 'little hands of silver".Whatever happened to him I wonder?
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The great guitar heroes of my youth were Bert Jansch and Gordon Giltrap.
Gordon is still with us thank goodness.
Ah, maybe I should have read the link.
Alao remember Django Rheinhardt
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Rory Buchanan was always said to be the guitarist's guitarist ::::
"Little Silver Hands". I remember seeing him many years ago. You're right, Mikey. Anyone who played guitar back then, wanted to be like that :o)

..... and Roy Buchanan. I know he died many years ago. I can remember buying his album "Loading Zone" and playing it to death.
I remember the name, RIP Manitas.

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