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Bike Repaired, Time To Get On The Lycra Shorts

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Dizmo | 11:03 Sat 08th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I just informed the customer that I'd be late and she offered to pay for a taxi because it raining.

I replied "Funnily enough I have waterproof skin". So kind of her but I need the exercise.



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Go to work- you're late;-) xx
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She has gone out so I have a little spare time. I've just weighed myself with all the equipment I'm taking over. I weigh 24.5 stone. I'm going to be doing 2mph up hill and 120mph down hill.
Be careful on those downward gradients.
Maybe you should start a blog on your exciting cycling / work adventures?
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ZM: I don't think anyone would read it. Do you want me to take a head cam? I've got a solar panel and a car camera. I could call it "Dizmo being a pillock"
Go for it.
It will be if you come off the bike!
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My mum is taking the mick now. She just sent me a message saying: "Why don't you weld up a camera bracket from angle iron? It will help to provide weight and increase traction on these slippery roads". ARF!
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To which I responded 'And also be a good laugh for the paramedic when they attend me by the roadside with me head in tombed in an angle iron mess'. Her response.... "Keep iron-cam running.. Brilliant for YouTube.".
She's right! But at 24.5 stones it will not make much difference.
-- answer removed --
Don't do it...
Diz, you'll have to post a pic of you in your crown jewels crushing lycra number.

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Bike Repaired, Time To Get On The Lycra Shorts

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