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Foggy Outside

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slinky.kate | 01:02 Mon 10th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
can hardly see across the way.


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kate while your here, how are you getting on with your scooter ?
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HI anne,getting on great with it,i love it,i wish I had got it years ago but I didn't want anyone to see me in it,but now I don't give a toss.i am doing so much more,sons take me up the park with the dog and let me go free in the scooter,was out for 2 hours last sunday but it gets very cold,i bought myself a scarf gloves and hat,thank you for asking anne.
am so pleased you are more mobile and enjoying your new found freedom.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it Kate.
We've got lots of Thunder here, N/Kent, no rain or lightning, just lots of banging about!
Foggy here too.
Been foggy here all day. Mild though :)
It was a lovely day today. 14 degrees in the pub garden :-)
It's blowing a hoolie here in Sussex and there's lighting all over the English Channel.
A sunny day yesterday. Rain today. :o{
I'm trapped between The South Downs and the English Channel so we get the extremes of weather here and quite often lots of fog coming off the sea.

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