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You need to scroll down to the most watched videos section. Admittedly, IDS does seem to be something of a monster as far as compassion for our poorer European neighbours are concerned.

The Loch Ness monster is an out of work migrant?

Could be .
Nessie is NOT a jobless migrant and it is a gross slur to suggest such a thing! :-)
Beware the IDS of March and any other month where that superannuated old buffoon is.
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It, the migrant I mean, wouldn't be out of work if they were getting money from the Scottish Tourist Board to swim about in the icy waters of the loch.
Nessie has never drawn the dole and in fact brings money IN to the economy. She's a grand old lady.
I thought you were stretching the metaphor a bit. ps, ids has no jurisdiction in Germany.
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Graham-W, yes that's it.
I was at Loch Ness once, took a picture and got Boots to develop it when I returned home. They were useless. No matter how many attempts I tried, with explicit instructions, each time they failed miserably to make it sufficiently out of focus such that I could use it to fool my friends.

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The Loch Ness Monster Or Just A Branch Of A Submerged Log?

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