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Mormon Founder Had 40 Wives Apparently !

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mikey4444 | 20:22 Tue 11th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

Two questions :

1...How on earth did he find the time ?

2...Think of all those Mother in Laws ! ( apologies in advance to the SB Sisterhood )


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Mikey, we know it happens – but these people are in no way ‘just as Mormon as the official Church of Latter Day Saints’ – they are excommunicated by the church. Now either you’re talking about Mormons or you’re not – and actually you’re not. You just think you are.
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You still don't understand do you ? These people think they are Mormons, and they practise polygamy, and sometimes child abuse. Are Christians still Christian if they aren't part of the Church of Rome or the Protestant Anglican community ?
The first Mr Craft was a Mormon and he 'enjoyed' quite a few wives, unfortunately they weren't his...
Mikey, I do understand - but you don't. You are misrepresenting the Mormon church - and I don't like to see people, whoever they are, misrepresented.
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No but you are quite content to call ex Arch Bishops names !

For the last time, polygamy is alive and well and thriving in some Mormon communities in America. Whether they have been excommunicated by the larger Church of latter Day Saints or not is immaterial. They hold almost the same religious views as their cousins in Salt lake City. I know because I have visited both communities in the past.

It is widely believed that these breakaway Mormon sects are increasing in their membership. Its Wako that stops the Federal Government from acting.
I've already said that we know it happens - and the fact that they are excommunicated is by no means immaterial. If it were, there would be no point in excommunicating them. And I didn't misrepresent Dr Williams - I offered my opinion of him which I think was a very valid one.
lol at Craft.
Is this where the expression, "The more the marry her." comes from?
Question Author at Craft from me as well. I take those Temple Garments or Magic Underpants didn't work very well after all Craft ?
Sorry, thought the headline said MORON had 40 wives !

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