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A Duck...

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Dizmo | 03:02 Mon 17th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
...walked up to a lemonade stand.


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That duck is not waddling!!!
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*waddle waddle*

I used to play this to my ex-wife to make her laugh; clearly it wasn't enough as I'm now divorced!
I shouldn't have laughed at that!!

Are you sure It's not your bedtime Dizmo? ;-}
Question Author
Have I offended you lol, "no ducks". No it really isn't my bed time. It's too late to go to bed now, I'm just going to have to sit this one out till 22:00-23:00 EST.
Have you got some lemonade? Or grapes? Grapes are good :-)
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I've not only got lemonade but I've also got green and red grapes. Ooooh and I was bought a raspberry meringue from a farm shop - how posh!
All the grapes I have have been turned into wine :-)
I did get a chuckle out if it Diz,,

One of my kids used to sing it constantly on long drives,,,used to crack us up.
I have grapes but they're in the form of champagne. Will that do?
that'll do for me janbee. can I join you?
Ok Lady J. I have some chilling at the moment. Just get here when you can.

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A Duck...

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