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The Km Links Game - November Week 3 Results

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seekeerz | 01:37 Mon 17th Nov 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Good morning everyone - another Monday rolls around, and I don't have the most enthralling news for the KM players today - we've had one of the quietest weeks on record and I believe I probably put the kybosh on it by saying this one might have been easier with less possibles - never never again !!!

Toffee Apple (3)
Seville Orange (2)
Oxford Cloth (????)
Cabbage White (11)

for a total of 16 points - oh dear, oh dear.

Well there is always next week's round where we can redeem ourselves and make a killing in the points department, and an almighty assault on the Leader Board which looks like this -

12 points - wickedtongue

8 points - cannylad

7 points - rockfordill

5 points - angler57, cliffyg, cupid04 & Prescott

Pleased to report though, that I've made it out of the club rooms, with a couple of stalwart friends as well, which pleases me no end, and hoping all the others will join us before the end of the month....cheers, Steff


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Morning :)
Oxford cloth?? Not even in my Chambers :(....still, up to 2 points now!
Whoopee - at last, a point!
Thanks, Steff.
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Thank goodness it is a five week month. At least I have two more weeks to try to get off a big fat zero. :-(
Thanks to Steff
Well, at least I'm consistent - another point. Thanks
Nil points pour moi!!
That was rubbish for me!

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The Km Links Game - November Week 3 Results

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