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Tomorrow's World.

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sandyRoe | 14:53 Mon 17th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
We didn't all end up owing our own helicopters and electricity never did become so cheap to produce that it's wasn't worth metering the supply. Did any of the inventions mentioned in that BBC programme go on into production and make a change in our lives?


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Don't you have a helicopter ?
I am sure they did Sandy, and I remember a similar programme talking about mobile phones and that you would be able to take photos, and see each other and that you would be able to hang a large flat TV on the wall like a picture.

I said then, It would never happen in my lifetime, but it did.
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It did shine a bit of a light on the shape of things to come. TY, Mushroom25
I remember when they were showing us the future in the form of CDs. The were all glistening and shone brightly and you could have a stampede of rhinos trample all over them, drive a bulldozer over them, scratch them with a carving knife and lo and behold, they would still be perfect and play perfectly. What they failed to tell us was that if you dared to get so much as a teensy weensy little smudge fingerprint on them , they would skate around all over the place and never play properly again.
Also, Back To The Future 11 was set in 2015 and there are all sorts of flying cars etc in that. Well, 2015 is only 6 weeks away. I still haven't seen any flying cars or sky highways.
I remember the one about the CD's as well.
Don't forget that originally They predicated that there would probably be a need for six computers in each country - not one in everyone's pocket!
Remember a report my judith hann about listening to a digital walkman where you downloaded tracks. Amazingly that was way before personal computers were even a gleam in most peoples eyes. Also remember CD players being introduced.
A few things I remember:

1. Seeing them demonstrate the idea of having all the indicators on a car flashing at once, to act as 'hazard lights'. (It looked ruddy silly to me at the time; I thought that people would only see it as indicating 'I'm not sure which way to turn'!)

2. Those CDs which, we were told, would mean that we'd never have to put up with the problem of 'skipping' music tracks again. (Oh, yeah?).


3. My favourite quote from 'Tomorrow's World' (frequently remembered while I'm shredding piles of confidential documents, print out copies of important emails, etc): "By the year 2000 we will all live a paperless society".
I remember either on TW, or perhaps Nationwide, the idea of having high level brake lights on cars that could be seen through the wndows of cars following behind.

On the prototype mock up they had two lights, as it didn't occur to them to have one light in the middle.

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Tomorrow's World.

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