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Georgiesmum | 01:01 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Who do you think should go out of the competition tomorrow night? I think i would choose either Only The Young, or Stevi. What do you think?


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Well that was obvious from day one Fusion5.
stevi and only the young,a bit disappointed with them all actually,none of them pulled it off?
all of them apart from Ben. the show is appalling this year. Most of the talent has gone
Flick on to it occasionally to see if there are any decent singers and haven't found one yet ! I think that group of eight boys are terrible, really flat !
There is no-one who stands out for me, they're fairly mundane and the worst bunch I can rememeber. I particularly can't see the fuss about Fleur East. she looks the part but that's it for me.
paul should still be in it i was looking forward to him doing big band week .
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I dont think Jay James should have gone out and i really cant see what other people see in Fleur.

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