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Bill Cosby Keeps Digging That Hole Al Little Deeper Each Day.

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mikey4444 | 18:12 Thu 20th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
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Probably advised to by his solicitor. I understand from the morning TV show that the alleged offences occurred sufficiently long ago that he can not be charged. No one is keen on having their reputation tarnished but he's made his money (and allegedly had his fun) so all he needs to do is not make any foolish statements and weather the storm.

Meanwhile he is also a target for false as well an any possible true claims. It seems to me this might not go anywhere ?
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Not sure about the ....."alleged offences occurred sufficiently long ago" bit OG ? If that is the case, than Roman Polanski can safely book his ticket back to Hollywood !
a statute of limitations means that he cant be prosecuted
which is not the case for historical abuse in the UK

Good article in the DT about a headmaster who was acquitted in such a case in fifteen minutes. [Office of the DPP unrepentant. the fact we couldnt prove it doesnt mean it didnt occur ..... - ]
Mikey4444, that's no panda: that happens to be me with my fur coat on going across the field to the bar!
Ooops, wrong thread!:)
Mikey - I think he was indicted....Roman and skipped bail

After John Demdanjuk's case I think there should be a limitation on crimes - even war crimes.
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Stuey...LOL !

Keep warm !

My friends in the White Mountains of NH are yet to be affected.

PS...have the falls at Niagara frozen over yet ?
stuey - off the wall comments are always welcome
and usually more fun to read
That was the view I believe I heard from the TV. Not that I'm an expert on US law.
I wouldn't think so.

I believe under US Law he is quite entitled to To take the Fifth
Which is neither proving guilt nor innocence.
as Baldric says, he doesn't have to say anything. Denis Healy advised that when in a hole, stop digging. Cosby isn't digging. If people want him prosecuted, they can go ahead; I don't know what statutes of limitations apply in the USA.
Balders - please taking the fifth is the enacted right not incriminate yourself.

We have the same as a common law rule ( do we ? yes we do actually ) and that accounts for the rare instances where a judge tells a witness they need not answer a question....
yep, Perry Mason would protest "Counsel is going on a fishing trip..."
see here:

I mean to be frank none of us know diddly squat about californian law. each state will have something different

1735 R4 - drawing a parallel between Cosby and Savile
The Fifth Amendment protects individuals from being forced to incriminate themselves. Incriminating oneself is defined as exposing oneself (or another person) to "an accusation or charge of crime," or as involving oneself (or another person) "in a criminal prosecution or the danger thereof."
Savile and (allegedly) Cosby were interested in completely different age groups
Note - Fred Zonker just said nothing and Cosby, just opened up with - 'can you scrub that '

he wasnt even trapped - Cosby did it himself

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